Monday, June 01, 2009

It's ten-thirty peee-eem, on June first, in the year of two thousand and nine.

I'm valiantly trying to stay awake after a lovely steamy bit of hydrotherapy. Do you take baths? You should. I recommend making it as hot as you can stand it, adding salts and oils and bringing in a HUGE bottle of cold water and drinking it all as you soak and scrub and sweat. It's hard work people! But seriously, sweating out all those toxins... changing your oil, so to speak, is so good for you. Scrub that skin, rotate those tires! Vroom! I don't know. Don't ask me. Take a bath/don't take a bath. Suit yourself.

I'm starting school in fourteen days. Re-starting school, I should say. Actually, starting over would actually be the most accurate way to describe it. See I've been in school off-and-on for the last ten years, studying everything under the sun (mostly political science, philosophy, creative writing, journalism, psychology, African American studies, you get the gist), which is all very wonderful... until one starts to wonder about graduating. That handy diploma, that elusive golden fleece, that magic carpet that will sweep me off to the land of milk and honey. Yeah, I'm waaaaaay far away from getting that, in spite of my ten zillion credits. Item: I've studied several different languages with little or no regard for the fact that one must reach a certain level of proficiency to complete college requirements. I've managed to maintain minimal proficiency in French, ASL, Arabic, Latin and (starting in fourteen days) Spanish. While it is wise to diversify, it is stupid to scatter one's efforts.

And then there's math, which I've managed to avoid completely. I've created a parallel universe in which math doesn't exist. Sort of like Schrodinger's Cat. Is it alive? Is it dead? Who knows? I feel this quantum feat of selective consciousness should be worth some college credit, but alas my counsellor begs to differ. So I will begin [at] the beguine, the ground zero for all math flunkies: pre-algebra. That's alright, go ahead and laugh. I will be thirty-three in August and I will be taking pre-algebra. I'm hoping that I will uncover a latent genius for polynomials and vector spaces, and go on to discover ground breaking equations and be an inspiration to mathematically challenged drop-outs everywhere! That'd be cool.

But in all seriousness, I can't avoid math any longer. I believe it will pay excellent dividends to confront and conquer this fucking nightmare once and for all. In the immortal words of Eleanor Roosevelt: "Believe in yourself. You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you stop to look fear in the face. You must do that which you think you cannot do."

1 comment:

Harold said...

I love baths, and took one every day the past six months. Every day. Prior to that, I hadn't lived in a place with a bathtub for years, and had to make do with stealing a tubsession when visiting friends or the odd hotel suite. I've just moved, however, and am staying in a condo that doesn't have any bathtubs -- but I'll be back in the tub in a couple of weeks (since I've made sure my new place has one)!